Soroptimist International of Dixon
CHARTERED 4-19-1961
Our years of experience working with women and girls has taught us that education is the key to unlocking economic empowerment of the world’s women and girls. When women and girls are educated, they have opportunity, choice and power to make healthy decisions for themselves and their families.
The Sustainable Development Goals Our
Programs Support
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
- Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- Reduce inequality within and among countries.
- Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
“When women and girls are empowered, they have a sense of autonomy, self-confidence, and the power to control their private and public lives. We focus on access to education because we believe it’s the most effective way toward empowerment.“
If you are not a member of Soroptimist International of Dixon, we welcome you to join.
Love to Help?
World Wide Service, Our Local Impact…
Awards & Recognitions
These awards have Local Impact
The Live Your Dream program was established to assist women with primary financial responsibility for their families to obtain the skills-training and education necessary to improve their employment stats and standard of living for themselves and their family. The women receiving these financial awards may use them for any costs associated with their educational efforts, including tuition, books, child care and transportation.
Soroptimist Ruby Award recognizes women who have worked to improve the lives of women and girls through their profession and/or volunteer work. A region honoree is selected from club nominees and presented with a monetary award at conference.
Our awards are not based on overall academic achievement, rather the focus is toward a proven need and a true desire to further one’s education or to establish a successful career path.
Violet Richardson Award recognizes a young woman for helping others and making a commitment to fight against social injustices. She has demonstrated leadership by identifying an issue important to her in her community and the world and addressing it through her volunteer efforts. The program provides leadership opportunities to encourage and support recipients to continue their leadership work. The program begins as club level with club recipients becoming eligible for district level awards. Additional monies will be contributed to the district level winners and their volunteer organizations from the Region.
Club History
We Need Your Help
If you know a women that you think would be agreeable with our goals. Please Say Something, We would be more than happy to send a meeting invite..
If you know someone that could benefit from some help with their educational goals. Please drop us a message and give us the contact info, and someone from our team will help get the application process started.
At the beginning of the 1920s, women in North America had established themselves in the political arena through suffrage and in the professional world as a result of World War I. The time was right for women actively engaged in professions and careers to come together for mutual support and friendship, and to serve the communities to which they belonged. The time was right for Soroptimist.
In the spring of 1921, Stuart Morrow, an organizer of men’s service clubs, visited Oakland, California. In search of a potential member for an Optimist* club, Morrow called on the Parker-Goddard Secretarial School, presuming it was run by men and found instead Miss Adelaide Goddard and Miss Mabel Parker owned the school. Explaining his mistake, Morrow excused himself. As Morrow left, Miss Goddard remarked she would be interested in joining such a club for women if he ever considered forming one.
Goddard’s remark set the wheels in motion for Stuart Morrow. He contacted a number of business women in the community, and invited them to a preliminary meeting on May 21. Of the six women in attendance, only one showed real interest. This woman began recruiting her acquaintances and on June 21, a luncheon meeting with 10 women officially launched the club toward its goal of 80 members to receive a charter from Morrow.
This core group met once a week, and continued to gather the names of eligible women from Alameda County; they also chose the name Soroptimist for the organization, coining a word from two Latin words “soror”—woman and “optima”—the best.
Local Meetings
Meeting Every Thursday at 12:00 (noon) at the Dixon United Methodist Church 209 N. Jefferson St. Dixon CA. (Door on Left Side of Building)
For More Information Contact:
SI Dixon President 2023-2024
Brenda Walker
(707) 688-1367